Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.  1 Corinthians 12:4–7


I took the assessment, now what?

  • We want to encourage you to use your spiritual gifts to glorify our Heavenly Father and to bless others. One simple place to start is to serve in the life and body of Red Mountain Church. We need you! We have numerous ways for you to engage and we need your God given gifts and abilities in our community. Click here for a list of specific ways to serve in and through RMC.

  • The RMC Diaconate will contact you by email about an optional follow up conversation to review your results and potential ways you might use your gifts in the life and community of RMC. A follow-up meeting is not required and the online assessment tools are available to anyone inside the RMC community.

Things to Note & REMEMBER

  • “A spiritual gift is an ability from the Holy Spirit to meet the needs of people.” - Ministries of Mercy by Timothy Keller, p. 157.

  • All believers are gifted by the Holy Spirit in various ways (1 Cor. 12). Gifts can be displayed differently depending on context and circumstance. Most people have several areas of giftedness that tend to “shine” based on circumstances.

  • Your identity is rooted in Christ, not in your assessment results! Everything we have is a gift of grace. Recognizing your giftedness may be a long process.

  • Don’t “box yourself in” to the results of the assessment tool. It is a beneficial, but fallible tool for identifying and confirming one's gifts. Feel free to disagree with the results and to explore other ways to discover and develop your gifts.

  • All Christians are called to obey the commands of Jesus regardless of Spiritual gifts! Spiritual giftedness is never an excuse to avoid commands like evangelism (1 Pet 3:15) or loving our neighbors as ourselves (Mk. 12:31).

  • The assessment results are weighted on a scale of 1 to 12. A lower number does not necessarily mean a weaker gift. Rather, the larger the number, the more likely the item is one of your spiritual gifts.

  • You may take the assessment as many times as you like and it is possible that you will get different results each time depending on your season of life or current mood.

  • Spiritual Gifts are NOT

    • Talents. Talents may be indicators to giftedness but spiritual gifts are unique to believers, talents are common to all.

    • Fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23) will be evident in the lives of all believers as we put to death the flesh and grow in Christlikeness through the Spirit. Both the fruit of the Spirit and spiritual gifts should be evident in the life of a believer.

    • Spiritual Disciplines. Spiritual disciplines are practices that grow us as disciples of Christ. An individual may have a spiritual gift such as intercession, giving or evangelism but all Christians are called to spiritual disciplines such as prayer, generosity, evangelism, etc.

    • Positions. There are roles within the church such as Pastors, Teachers, Leaders, etc. However, these roles are not equal to spiritual gifts. Titles are valuable to those within the church for purposes of communication, but these titles don’t limit how God may use a person.  For example, there are many who fill a role as a teacher but may not have the spiritual gift of a teacher. 

Spiritual Gift List

The RMC online assessment tool identifies 17 spiritual gifts mentioned in the Bible. In the tradition of the PCA and the Reformed Church, we intentionally exclude the “miraculous” gifts from the assessment (Apostleship, tongues, miracles, healing). 

  • Administration: The spiritual ability to plan, organize, and execute procedures that increase a ministry's organizational effectiveness for the accomplishment of its goal. (1 Cor 12:28)

  • Evangelism: The spiritual ability to share the gospel message with non-believers with clarity and effectiveness. (Eph 4:11)

  • Giving: The spiritual ability to give generously to the work of the Lord or to the needs of an individual with cheerfulness of heart so that others are encouraged or blessed. (Rom 12:6-8)

  • Leadership: The spiritual ability to instill vision, set goals, motivate, and guide individuals and ministry in order to assist it in accomplishing its purposes for the honor of Christ. (Rom 12:6-8)

  • Service: The spiritual ability to serve joyfully and faithfully in practical ways, to assist in the ministries of the Body/Kingdom (service) and to meet the needs of others (helps). (1 Cor 12:28)

  • Hospitality: The spiritual ability to welcome, refresh and include so that individuals feel at ease and the love of God. (1 Pet 4:9-10)

  • Faith: The spiritual ability to not waver and to take action based on confidence in God. (1 Cor 12:8-10)

  • Teaching: The spiritual ability to search and study the scripture, then articulate the truths in a way that applies and challenges the listener spiritually. (1 Cor 12:28)

  • Encouragement: The spiritual ability to sense when an individual is struggling and provide strength to those wavering. (Rom 12:6-8)

  • Shepherding: The spiritual ability to nurture individuals by caring for their needs and leading by example so that they mature in Christlikeness. (Eph 4:11) 

  • Mercy: The spiritual ability to feel sympathy with those in need, especially the suffering or unlovable, and then to cheerfully manifest this sympathy in practical ways to uplift or help those in need. (Rom 12:6-8)

  • Craftsmanship: The spiritual ability to design and/or construct items to be used in ministry. (Ex 31:3)

  • Creative Communication: The spiritual ability to communicate God's message through a variety of art forms such as music, photography, drama, etc. Could be someone who pulls all of these together. (Ps 150:3-5)

  • Wisdom: The spiritual ability to discern the best course of action in a situation. (1 Cor 12:8-10)

  • Knowledge: The spiritual ability to understand the truths of the Bible and be able to share them with others. (1 Cor 12:8-10)

  • Discernment: The spiritual ability to perceive the truth and/or real issues within a situation. (1 Cor 12:8-10)

  • Intercession: The spiritual ability to intercede on behalf of a person or situation. (1 Tim 2:1-2)

Further resources about spiritual gifts

If you have general questions about this page or the spiritual gift assessment tool, please contact the RMC Diaconate - diaconate@redmountainchurch.org